Monday, March 25, 2019

Snapshot for March 25

This week, we will complete our study of persuasive text and will begin our review informational text skills.  This week, students will complete the MOCK STAAR Math and Reading Assessments.  On Monday, students reviewed good test-taking tips and strategies in both content areas.  Students completed an “I am in control!” activity to remind them of these good test taking and reading strategies.  They were told to take them home to look over them for our Wednesday MOCK test.  A picture of the one I created is linked in case any did not make it home.  J

Students are allowed to bring snacks on Tuesday and Wednesday to enjoy during testing.  Please do not send anything that is loud to eat, has a strong smell, sticky, or juicy.  Great snack ideas include but are not limited to trail mix, Cheerios, fruit snacks, granola bars, goldfish, or crackers.  Students may also bring a water bottle.

Students finished “Book the Fourth” last week!  Students and were given a study guide for their “Book the Fourth” quiz, which is on Friday, March 29.
In Writing, we will continue our Fractured Fairy Tale projects.  Due to MOCK STAAR and other projects, we have not spent as much time on these, so the due date has been extended. Final copies will be due on April 9th.
We do not have a spelling list this week.  There are great lessons, reviews, and activities on both Education Galaxy and on Study Island Reading if students have any extra time this week. 
Thank you to everyone who participated in “Donut Let You Skills Slide” technology incentive program!  Keep up the hard work!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Rachel Fendley
3rd Grade ELAR Teacher
Kimberlin Academy

March 26- MOCK STAAR Math  ** Spring Creek BBQ PTA Night! Mrs. Fendley will be there from 5:30-6! 
March 27- MOCK STAAR Reading
May 14- STAAR Reading

Helpful Links:

Online Resources for Skills Practice:

·         Imagine Literacy It is recommended that students complete at least 1, 20-minute lesson a week.
·         Study Island Reading: Click on “Texas Programs” and select “Reading”.  Then you may select any skill that you would like to work on.  Start with the mini-lesson and then work through the activities! Student login information is in their blue folders.
·         Education Galaxy
·         BoomLearning:
§  The username will be your student’s first names & last name initial followed by an underscore (_) and the word “fendley”.
§  Example: Lily Moldenhauer  = lilym_fendley
§  Password: 1234 or students may have changed it

§  If your student goes by a shortened version of their given name, the username will reflect that. Rebecca White = beccaw_fendley

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